Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Daftar riwayat hidup Faisal efendi

Personal Detail
Name                                                      : Faisal Efendi                                                                   
Sex                                                          : Male
Religion                                                   : Islam
Nationality                                               : Indonesian
Marital status                                           : Single
Address                                                   : Jl Dr.Brigjend Katamso No: 402A
Place and date of birth                                : Hajoran , August,10, 1992
Phone number                                            : 087867675758
Email                                                     : faisal_efendi12345@yahoo.co.id
Blog                                                       : faisalefendi12345@gmail.com
Facebook                                            : ichal_hajoran@yahoo.co.id

Educational Background
2010-2015                                            : University of Sumatera Utara Medan
2007-2010                                            : Pondok Pesantren Darul Falah Martopotan
                                                                  Hajoran, Langgapayung
2004-2007                                            : Pondok Pesantren Ahmadul Jariah
                                                                 Kota Pinang Labuhanbatu Selatan
2001-2007                                            : SDN. 112249 Hajoran
2004-2007                                            : TK. Tarbiyah Islamiah Hajoran

I am a funny person, I was able to work with other people, I am most afraid of the old man and the religion I profess. According to my friends kind and helpful person, other than that I have never been late when it comes to school and come to my previous job.

Other advantages
I speak English and I was able to operate a computer.

Hajoran , January, 2015

Faisal Efendi

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